Friday, June 3, 2011

It's Friday!

The weekend is here! Although I have to say that the work week goes so fast anymore that I feel like it was just Friday.
The topic of the day...hmmmm....let's go with stupid people. There seems to be so many out there. For example, while driving to work yesterday I saw one woman (tailgating someone on a motorcycle) putting on her mascara. Another pulling out in front of me while yapping on her phone and another who almost backed out on me doing a u-turn while talking on the phone. When did driving become the other thing we do in the car? Now people talk on the phone while doing a little bit of driving...I don't get it.
There was also the case of the canoeing 17-month old. Now, I'm an adventurous type who believes that you should expose your children to many things. But I also believe there is a right and wrong way to do it. No logical person would take their toddler - someone who just learned to walk without crashing - canoeing after weeks of rain in a river that is 5 feet above flood stage with a life jacket that is kind of on. So it's no surprise that the poor child suffered after the canoe tipped and most likely has drowned. I'm not sure why you must take a test to drive a car but any yayhoo can have a baby.
Enough of the bad stuff...remember, it's Friday. And the weather man is calling for a hot, sunny weekend. We don't have any rides planned due to family commitments but soon!
Here's to a safe and sunny weekend!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Post Holiday Weekend

Well, Memorial Day is in the rear view and summer is full steam ahead. For many of my fellow riders this would mean cruising the back roads and enjoying the freedom a Harley has to offer. This year is going to be a little different for us with the new babe but well worth it.
I did have the pleasure of venturing out this past weekend to one of the many Diners, Drive-ins & Dives from the Food Network show. It's kind of a hobby of ours to hit up as many as we can when traveling.
The Smokey Valley Truck Stop is located in Mt. Olive, Kentucky. It was featured for the coconut cream pie (vodka included), homemade biscuits and the Smokey Burger. In my opinion, and who am I but an unknown voice coming to you thru the internet, it was one we could have passed on.
The place was small and crowed for 2 pm on a Friday so we took that as a good sign unfortunately the staff was not prepared (or maybe it's always like this) so the most of the open tables were still in need of busing. After waiting for some time for a server to arrive we placed an order for the Smokey Burger (which was huge but not overly exciting) and biscuits (which never arrived). After the food was dropped off, quite some time later, that was the last we saw of the server. It was a bummer since most of the 3D's are pretty good but what are you going to do?

So overall I would give the Smokey Valley Truck Stop 1 star overall.
Atmosphere: Smokey fits the bill on this one. The place is filled with KY smokers.
Cost: Two dinners & two soft drinks was under $20 but for the quality it was a little pricey.

Until next time...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm Here!

So, I've always been an anti-blogger...who cares about what I ate for breakfast or if my kid finally had her first poopy? But now I see that it may be less about content and more about calming the committee - at least the committee in your head or maybe it was because before I didn't have a kid and could carry on adult conversations without talk about poopy, boogers and the like. Either way, here I am...blogging.

Since I'm here I might as well make the best of it. I'm a early 30's something with the all American lifestyle I suppose. Husband, baby, 2 dogs, mid-west suburbia. My day includes eight hour work days, daycare, dinner and everything that comes with a husband, baby, 2 dogs and mid-west suburbia. I like to think that I've accomplished more than that but who knows.

So why should you be reading this seemingly generic and boring blog? Well, I'm not just a baby mama - I'm a HOG mama. Biker, not bacon, HOG. And until I was a mama I was a traveler so in my hopes to remain someone other than so and so's mom I'm going to share my travels in hopes that it leads someone else down a road less traveled. In the days of speedy travel and fancy vacations I think Americans are missing all of the amazing adventures that their own country has to offer...Route 66, the Grand Canyon, and many more National Landmarks, small town dives and Americana in general.

So if nothing else I will have told my story and maybe one day someone will find something worth while.